LuxCoreRender Textures Lux

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In addition to the Blender Textures, LuxCoreRender support a number of its own procedural textures. These also include special textures for mixing or altering other textures.

Procedural Types


  • Output value: float or color
File:Texture add.jpg
Add texture using a blue and an orange texture

The Add texture mixes two textures by adding the color/grey scale values together. For example, if the same area in both textures uses the color value 0.4 (grey), the resulting color will be 0.8 (white) in that area.


  • Output value: float, color or fresnel

Band allows for a gradient to be generated using "stops" which can be colors/floats or textures. The "mix amount" value defines where on the gradient the texture's final output value will be taken. You can use blender_blend from 0-1 on the mix amount to output the entire gradient.

To understand this texture, it may help to think of the regular mix texture as a gradient editor as well. Mix would be like a gradient editor that can only have 2 stops, which are stuck at either end of the gradient. Band, however, allows however many stops you want, placed wherever you want. Either way, you sample a single point on the gradient. So texturing mix amounts allows you to change which point is sampled depending on the location on the texture.


  • Output value: float, color or fresnel
File:Procedural bilerp.png
bilerp texture using uv and spherical mapping

The bilerp texture takes four colors as input and interpolates the colors in between. It can use uv, planar, cylindrical and spherical mapping.


  • Output value: float or color
Examples of brick textures

The brick texture generates a 3D projection of a tiled brick-and-mortar pattern.
The parameters can be changed to simulate a variety of common brick and tile installations that have a repeating pattern.
Note: it does not cross corners or handle curved surfaces in a realistic way.


  • Bond type: choice of 7 patterns: chain link, basket, herringbone, english, flemish, stacked, running
    • 5 wall patterns
      • chain link, english, flemish, stacked, running
      • show on the object's x-by-z faces by default (results dependent on object or global selected in Texture Transform coordinates).
      • use Texture Transform, Object Coords, Rotate to move the texture to the desired object face
    • 3 floor patterns
      • herringbone, basket, stacked
      • show on the object's x-by-y faces by default (results dependent on object or global selected in Texture Transform coordinates).
      • use Texture Transform, Object Coords, Rotate to move the texture to the desired object face
  • Width: length of brick (longest edge of brick by default)
  • Height: row size of brick (stacking height per brick)
  • Depth: size of brick face that is covered when stacked (buried inside the surface)
  • Mortar size: width of mortar line between bricks
  • Bevel: ?
  • brickrun: amount of linear offset down the row between adjacent rows
    • only works for running, english, flemish
    • for the correct pattern, flemish brickrun must be 0.75
  • bricktex: color or texture of exposed brick face
  • brickmodtex: modulation texture of brick face--sampled randomly for each brick to pick a color that will modify bricktex--use it to break up color uniformity by creating a field of bricks with varying shades or colors
  • mortartex: color or texture of exposed mortar lines


  • Output value: float or color
File:Procedural checkerboard.png
2d and 3d checkerboard texture

This texture generates a two- or three-dimensional checkerboard pattern.


  • 2d/3d: switches between the two- and threedimensional patterns
  • closedform/supersample: anti aliasing algorithms for the 2d pattern
  • uv: base the pattern on the object's uv texture mapping
  • cylindrical: use a cylindrical projection (2d pattern)
  • spherical: use a spherical projection (2d pattern)
  • planar: use a planar projection (2d pattern)
  • Ud/Vd: offset values for the planar projection


  • Output value: float only

This texture creates a 3D volumetric cloud.


  • radius: overall cloud radius inside the base cube
  • noisescale: strength of the noise
  • turbulence: size of the noise displacement
  • sharpness: noise sharpness - increase for more spikey appearance
  • noiseoffset: offset value for noise pattern
  • numspheres: count of spheres for cumulus cloud generation
  • octaves: the range of noise frequencies - higher values create more *omega: the amount of noise per octave
  • variability: amount of extra noise
  • baseflatness: the strength of the flattening effect on the bottom of the cloud
  • spheresize: size of spheres for cumulus cloud generation


File:Procedural dots.png
dots texture

  • Output value: float only

This texture creates a grid of dots, each of which has a 50% chance of being displayed. Parameters

  • uv: base the pattern on the object's uv texture mapping
  • cylindrical: use a cylindrical projection
  • spherical: use a spherical projection
  • planar: use a planar projection
  • ud/vd: offset values for the planar projection


File:Procedural FBm.png
fbm texture

  • Output value: float only

The FBm (fractal Brownian motion) texture generates fractal noise, which is very suitable for use as a bump map. Parameters

  • roughness: the noise roughness - low values generate smooth shapes, higher values add detail
  • octaves: the range of noise frequencies - higher values create more detailed patterns


File:Procedural harlequin.png
harlequin texture

  • Output value: color only

This texture assigns a color to each face, which can be useful for checking mesh subdivisions.


File:Procedural marble.png
marble texture

  • Output value: color only

The marble texture generates a marble pattern by distorting a layer pattern.


  • octaves: the range of noise frequencies
  • roughness: the amount of noise
  • noisescale: the scale of the noise
  • variation: additional variation in the pattern by offsetting through the marble layers


File:Texture mix.png
mix texture, mixing a checkerboard with a solid red color

  • Output value: float, color or fresnel

The mix texture mixes textures by taking the average of their color values. The proportion between the two source textures can be defined by the user.


File:Texture scale.png
scale texture, scaling a checkerboard with a solid red color

  • Output value: float or color

The scale texture mixes textures by multiplying their color values, where black is zero and white is one.


File:Procedural uv.png
uv texture

  • Output value: color only

The UV procedural texture is intended to clearly display UV mapping. A red gradient is used for the U direction, while a green gradient indicates the V direction.


File:Procedural windy.png
windy waves texture

  • Output value: float only

The windy (or windy waves) texture is intended as a bump map or displacement map for waves. It is based on the FBm material and does not have any adjustable parameters.


File:Procedural wrinkled.png
wrinkled texture

  • Output value: float only

The wrinkled texture generates turbulence noise, which is very suitable for use as a bump map. Parameters

  • roughness: the noise roughness - low values generate smooth shapes, higher values add detail
  • octaves: the range of noise frequencies - higher values create more detailed patterns