BlendLuxCore Network Rendering

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To start the network rendering tool from BlendLuxCore, go to the render properties, open the "Render" panel (where the usual Render/Animation/... buttons are) and click the button "LuxCore Network Render".

This will open the pyluxcoretools and you can follow the general network rendering guide from here: LuxCoreRender Network Rendering

How to export your scene for network rendering: In the LuxCore Config panel, enable the checkbox Only write LuxCore scene, leave the file mode at Binary (the default) and choose an output folder. If you now press F12 or the render button, a binary scene file (.bcf) will be written to the output folder. You can open this file in the network render program.

Note for Linux users: You need to have PySide installed.
If you do not have PySide installed, the addon can install PySide for you (there will be a message box).

If this does not work or you want to do it manually, you can use the following command:

sudo pip3 install PySide

Note for Linux users who are not using a Debian-based distribution: The network render button in BlendLuxCore assumes that your Python 3 interpreter is named python3 and your Python package manager is named pip3. If this is not the case on your distribution, you will have to start pyluxcoretools manually:

cd /path/to/BlendLuxCore  # could be ~/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/BlendLuxCore
cd bin