BlendLuxCore Installation

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Note: This version of the guide is valid as of Blender 4.2 LTS and BlendLuxCore v2.10. If you notice any incompatibilities with later versions, please inform the developers thorugh one of the community channels. The guide to install legacy versions can be found further below in this article.

Follow the official Blender instructions for installing an extension. Follow the steps for "Install from Disk":

  • Open up the preferences menu: "Edit" -> "Preferences" (first picture)
  • Go to the "Get Extensions" tab (second picture)
  • Open the menu in the top right corner and select "Install from disk..." (second picture)
  • Select the zip archive.
  • After the installation, BlendLuxCore should automatically be activated. You can verify this in the "Add-ons" tab.
  • It is recommended to restart Blender before using BlendLuxCore, to ensure all features are loaded correctly.

Common Problems and Errors

Some fixes for common problems are listed in the FAQ.

Legacy: Installation

If you are trying to install older versions of BlendLuxCore (< v2.10) on older versions of Blender (< v4.0), the following instructions might provide you with some additional insight.

  • Follow the Blender Manual (open user preferences, choose "install from file", select the downloaded .zip archive, click open, enable the addon in the list)
  • If you have old LuxRender addon enabled and have troubles activating new LuxCore addon, it would be a good idea to disable LuxRender addon first, save Blender user settings, restart Blender and then try again.

On Windows, you have to install some additional software so LuxCore can run:
For version v2.0:

For version v2.1 and later:

Note: the BlendLuxCore addon is fully self-contained and includes all necessary LuxCore binaries, you do not need to install the standalone version of LuxCore.

Legacy: How to Update

Open the Blender user preferences (Ctrl+Alt+U), then enter "luxcore" into the search field and expand the entry so you see all the info and settings of the addon.

Next, click the "Change Version" button and select the desired version from the list.
The current version is marked with a green checkmark, while unstable alpha and beta versions are marked with a warning sign.
Click OK to start the update process.

Blender will appear to hang while downloading and installing the update, so please be patient. If you opened the console before updating, you can follow the progress there. (Window -> Toggle System Console on Windows, on Linux start Blender from terminal).

After the update is complete, restart Blender for the changes to take effect.

Important for users of v2.0

Note that there was a bug in the updater which was fixed in v2.1alpha1.
It prevents you from updating from v2.1alpha0 or earlier to versions after v2.1alpha0.
So you can only use the updater if you have at least v2.1alpha1 installed.

If you have v2.0 installed, you will have to follow the remove steps below, then download the v2.1 release zip package, and follow the install steps on the top of this page.

Legacy: How to Remove

To remove the addon:

  • Open Blender's user preferences
  • Search for LuxCore
  • Deactivate the addon (don't press remove yet)
  • Save the user preferences
  • Restart Blender
  • Open user preferences, navigate to the addon again
  • Now press the remove button

It is needed to deactivate the addon before removing it because it contains some libraries (DLLs) which can not be deleted while being loaded on some operating systems (e.g. Windows).