LuxCoreRender Materials Mix

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Revision as of 21:13, 7 December 2017 by Piita (talk | contribs)
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A mix of amorphous carbon metal and glossy translucent

The Mix material is a special material that is used to combine two other materials. Note that it is possible to use one mix material as a component of another mix material. This allows for complex shader combinations. When mixing materials that have interior volume (glass, rough glass and translucent), you need to specify the resulting volume in the mix material.


Material 1

Slot to attach the first component material.

Material 2

Slot to attach the second component material.

Mix Amount

This specifies how much each component material contributes to the final result. A mix amount of 0 results in only the first component, 1 results in only the second component, everything else is somewhere in between. The mix amount is also texturable, to allow the blending to be localized.