BlendLuxCore FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my area lamp black?

See #"Why is my HDRI environment black and not showing up?"

Why is my HDRI environment black and not showing up?

You probably have other very bright light sources in the scene, for example a sun or a sky lamp.

Solution: raise the gain value of the area or HDRI light source that is black. The gain value might need to be very high, e.g. 100000.

When I change the brightness of my lamp, nothing happens

You are probably using an automatic tonemapper which adjusts itself to the changed brightness, making it seem like the brightness did not change.

Solution: Use a non-automatic tonemapper.

When I make one of my lights brighter, all the other lights get darker (or vice versa)

Similar to #"When I change the brightness of my lamp, nothing happens". You are using an automatic tonemapper which tries to keep the image at the same brightness, making it seem like the brightness of the lamps changed.

Solution: Use a non-automatic tonemapper.