BlendLuxCore LightPanel

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Revision as of 23:00, 13 April 2018 by Byob (talk | contribs) (add links to blender manual where appropriate)
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The available light types are:

  • Point
  • Sun
  • Spot
  • Hemi
  • Area


See also: Blender manual.


Radius: todo

IES File

Image: todo


Sun type: todo

Relative Size: todo

Turbidity: todo


See also: Blender manual.


Spot Size: todo

Spot Blend: todo

Image: todo


This is an alternative environment light which can be used instead of the HDRI light type in the world settings. The only difference is that it allows to rotate the HDRI around any axis, not only the z-axis.

Image: Usually you want to use a HDR image here (extension ".hdr" or ".exr"). Some places where you can get them are linked here. You can also use normal LDR (low-dynamic range) images (".jpg", ".png" etc.) but they will light your scene very uniformly and won't create strong shadows and highlights.

The image should use the latlong mapping (latitude-longitude). For an example see the image below. (It is the same mapping produced by LuxCoreRender's panoramic camera)

Gamma: Should be set to the gamma of the image. HDR images are usually saved with gamma 1.0, while most LDR images are usually saved with gamma 2.2.

Sample Upper Hemisphere Only: Enable this option if you are using a ground with shadow catcher material in the scene. This option will prevent shadows being cast from below, which would lead to incorrect shadow catcher appearance.


See also: Blender manual.


Visible to Camera: todo

Spread Angle: todo

Shape: todo

Size: todo

IES File

Laser: todo


(Only visible when light type is point, spot or area)

Power: todo

Efficacy: todo

IES File



Importance: How much processing power to spend on this light source compared to other light sources. Used to scale the light importance computed by the light strategy. For instance, if you set a uniform light strategy, a light with a user importance of 2.0 will be sampled 2 times more often than one with 1.0. If you use a power light strategy, the user importance will be multiplied by the light power.

When you manually set the importance, you usually also want to set the light strategy to uniform (so you have full control on how the lights are sampled).

Build Visibility Map: If enabled, the visibility map for the world light source is computed at the start of a final render (not in viewport).


(Only visible when sun or hemi type is selected)

Here you can enable/disable the visibility of the world background to the three light bounce types. This setting is not supported by the Bidir engine as of v2.0alpha7.

  • Diffuse rays include for example the matte material, the matte base of the glossy material, the matte translucent material etc.
  • Glossy rays include any "non-sharp" specular reflections/transmissions with a roughness setting, e.g. glossy coating, metal, rough glass etc.
  • Specular rays include any "sharp" specular reflection/transmission without a roughness setting (glass and mirror materials)