BlendLuxCore WorldPanel

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Revision as of 18:54, 29 March 2018 by Byob (talk | contribs)
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The available world light types are:

  • Sky: A physically correct sky (Hosek and Wilkie sky model). Can be used alone or with a sun light.
  • HDRI: Lights the scene with a high-dynamic range image (latlong mapping).
  • Flat Color: Lights the scene with a solid background color.
  • None: No world light. Use for completely enclosed interior rooms.

Sky Settings

Sun: If you use a sunlight in the scene, you should select it in the sky settings. The sky will then derive its color from the sun position (it gets more reddish when the sun is close to the horizon). It will also copy the gain (brightness) and turbidity (fogginess) settings from the sun lamp.

HDRI Settings

Image: Usually you want to use a HDR image here (extension ".hdr" or ".exr"). Some places where you can get them are linked [[ | here]]. You can also use normal LDR (low-dynamic range) images (".jpg", ".png" etc.) but they will light your scene very uniformly and won't create strong shadows and highlights.

The image should use the latlong mapping (latitude-longitude). For an example see the image below. (It is the same mapping produced by LuxCoreRender's panoramic camera)

Gamma: Should be set to the gamma of the image. HDR images are usually saved with gamma 1.0, while most LDR images are usually saved with gamma 2.2.

Z-Axis Rotation: Can be used to rotate the image around the Z-Axis. If you want to rotate the image around other axis, use a hemi lamp instead of the world light and set the world light to None.

