Subsurface Scattering

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In LuxCoreRender, SSS is done in the following way:

  • You take a material that allows light to shine through it. This can be Null (completely transparent), Glass, Glossytranslucent or Mattetranslucent.
  • If you use Glossytranslucent or Mattetranslucent, set a dark diffuse color and a bright transmission color. That is because reflected light cannot be transmitted (due to energy conservation), so if you have a bright reflection (diffuse) color, less light will be transmitted.
  • Use a volume with scattering support as interior volume, most of the times you want the Homogeneous volume.
  • To control the scattered color, I would recommend to use the absorption color of the volume. So if you want that white light gets a red tint when scattered in the material, set the absorption color to red.
  • Remember to also set the absorption depth of the volume to the depth where the light should be completely red, e.g. 1 cm.
  • Leave the scattering color of the volume white and use the scattering scale to control the scattering strength.

This is an example node setup done in BlendLuxCore. The walls of the LuxBall have a thickness of 1cm. Note how the color is not controlled by the material, but only by the absorption color in the volume.