LuxCoreRender Release Notes v2.6
New Features
- BIDIRCPU can now use PhotonGI caustic cache to render SDS paths
- Optimized the parsing of mesh light sources and it is now about 3x faster
- Introduced (partial) multi-thread support in pre-processing of Light sources
- Integrated OpenColorIO v2.0
- Added the support for new TONEMAP_OPENCOLORIO tone mapper
- Added the support for color spaces (Nop, LuxCore and OpenColorIO) to image maps
- Added the support for color spaces (Nop, LuxCore and OpenColorIO) to constant textures
- Added the support for color spaces (Nop, LuxCore and OpenColorIO) to implicit definitions of constant textures
- Added the support for color spaces (Nop, LuxCore and OpenColorIO) to materials
- Added the support for color spaces (Nop, LuxCore and OpenColorIO) to light sources
- FILESAVER avoids to save the internal random image map (used by randomized tiling)
- Updated to Intel Embree v3.12.2
- Updated to Intel OIDN v1.3.0
- Updated to OpenImageIO v2.2.13.1
- Regularize coordinate system to solve some anisotropic related issue with glossy material (pull request #521)
- UVRandomMapping2D now supports optional random rotation step parameter (issue #528)
- LocalRandomMapping3D now supports optional random rotation step parameter (issue #528)
- Introduced the concept of Scene texture image maps resize policy and the support for NONE and FIXED policies
- Reworked the way alpha channel is computed for transmitted paths
- Introduced the MINMEM Scene texture image maps resize policy
- Updated to Intel OIDN v1.4.0
- Added the support for Intel OIDN auxiliary buffers pre-filtering
- Added the support for new pyluxcoretools MakeTX
- Introduced the MIPMAPMEM Scene texture image maps resize policy
- GPU out-of-core rendering now automatically disable Film GPU image pipeline to save more memory
- Added the support for Film-only out-of-core rendering (CUDA-only) with property
- Added a safety check for infinite light source when HDR with invalid values (NaN, Inf, etc.) is used
- Added the support to Intel OIDN plugin for enabling/diasbling prefiltering with .prefilter.enable property
- Disney glossiness evaluation (for PGI, Albedo AOV, etc.) now checks metal and specular parameters
- Disney glossiness evaluation uses now the square root of the value to align with the roughness of Glossy2, Metal, etc.
- Added the support for image map filtering nearest, linear was the only mode available before (issue #545)
- Albedo AOV reflections and transmissions can now be configured (mostly for denoising)
- Avg. Shading Normal AOV is now coherent with Albedo AOV reflections and transmissions settings
- Intel OIDN plugin now pre-filters Avg. Shading Normal AOV too
- Added the support for Albedo and Normal AOV warmup for improved denoising with BIDIRCPU
- Added the support for camera projection UV shape
- Added the support for OpenColorIO Looks to TONEMAP_OPENCOLORIO color space mode
- Added the support for OpenColorIO Looks to TONEMAP_OPENCOLORIO display mode
- It is now possible to set the light source volume like with camera (for BiDir)
Fixed Bugs
Known Problems
- Fixed the reading of IES files on system with not-US locale
- Fixed a problem with Python and Property objects initialized as double even if they were int
- Python Property object now consider int data type always as a 64 bit value
- Fixed a bug rendering black baked maps when using bump mapping and COMBINED type with BAKECPU rendering engine
- Fixed a bug when rendering caustics over volumes with Caustic cache (issue #533)
- Fixed a problem causing the initialization of multiple dataset accelerators in some case
- Fixed a problem with incorrect alpha AOV values (issue #536)
- Fixed a problem when using Add/Subtract textures with bump mapping (issue #689)
- GlossyCoating is now a delta material if the base material is
- Fixed a crash when editing light source emission
- Added a work around to pyluxcoretools with PySide2 causing a std::bad_cast
- Fixed a possible crash when editing a scene
- Fixed glTF export to work with Python base64.b64decode()
- Fixed a bug in Disney material causing bright edges
- Fixed a problem with not-NULL transparent surfaces when the interior and the exterior volumes are the same
- Fixed a cut&paste error in ImageMapStorage::GetDuv() (issue #560)
- Fixed a problem with indirect light going trough objects with white shadow transparency in BIDIRCPU
- Fixed a possible crash when editing a scene
New Features
Fixed Bugs
Known Problems
- Inserted keyframes in material node graph don't show up in graph editor or anywhere else
- LuxCore node parameters can not be animated in Blender 2.82. This bug is fixed in Blender 2.83 and later
- Rendering with caches (e.g. PhotonGI, DLSC, Env. light cache) can lead to problems if border rendering is enabled. A workaround is to disable automatic radius estimation and setting the radius manually instead when using border rendering