LuxCoreRender Release Notes v2.4: Difference between revisions

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Byob (talk | contribs)
Byob (talk | contribs)
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* [ Inserted keyframes in material node graph don't show up in graph editor or anywhere else]
* [ Inserted keyframes in material node graph don't show up in graph editor or anywhere else]
* Rendering with caches (e.g. PhotonGI, DLSC, Env. light cache) can lead to problems '''if border rendering is enabled'''. A workaround is to disable automatic radius estimation and setting the radius manually instead when using border rendering.
* LuxCore node parameters can not be animated in Blender 2.82. This bug is fixed in Blender 2.83 and later
* Rendering with caches (e.g. PhotonGI, DLSC, Env. light cache) can lead to problems '''if border rendering is enabled'''. A workaround is to disable automatic radius estimation and setting the radius manually instead when using border rendering

Revision as of 01:03, 12 May 2020


New Features

  • New OpenCL code to evaluate textures and materials. It doesn't require kernel re-compilation anymore.
  • LuxCoreUI "Fill kernel cache" menu option now pre-compile all possible GPU kernels.
  • LuxCore API KernelCacheFill() is now available for Python
  • New 2-levels Env. Light Visibility Cache (ELVC)
  • Added the support for a new ".sharpness" (default value 0.1, range [0.0, 1.0]) Intel OIDN parameter to blend original and denoised output
  • Removed LuxRays support for virtual devices and hybrid rendering (old LuxRender GPU doing ray intersections and CPU everything else)

Fixed Bugs

Blender Addon (BlendLuxCore)

New features

  • optimize viewport update checks in scenes with many particles/duplis
  • Replaced the Eevee lookdev (which required Cycles materials) with an albedo render mode that is intended as a fast texture preview for both Lux and Cycles node trees
  • Node editor quality of life (support for muting nodes and some node wrangler functions)
  • when using PhotonGI debug modes, disable light tracing and use an exposure compensated tonemapper
  • support for custom split normals, weighted normals etc.
  • reworked statistics, added some sub-stats about export time (mesh conversion time, hair conversion time) as well as information about which caches are enabled/disabled
  • Use Cycles nodes on linked materials without Lux nodes (so materials on Cycles assets automatically try to use Cycles nodes, unless you create a Lux material on the assets)
  • limit max. subdiv in material previews to 1
  • add support for principled emission, alpha and transmission sockets to Cycles node reader
  • add support for indirect only collection visibility mode
  • Support for manta flow smoke export in blender 2.82
  • new triplanar normalmap node
  • add triplanar projection mode to imagemap node, general rework/polishing of the imagemap node
  • Add support for transparency in the denoised result (both viewport and final render)
  • Emulate Cycles material UI in Lux material node editor (material and slot dropdown instead of node tree dropdown)
  • Thin film coating support for glass and disney materials
  • Cycles node reader:
    • add support for nested Cycles node groups
    • add support for geometry node outputs: position and normal
    • add support for object info node outputs: object index, material index, random
    • add support for refraction shader
    • add support for blackbody texture

Fixed Bugs

  • fix world volume ui panel drawing
  • fix material presets panel not showing without a material
  • fix remesh panel in mesh data properties not showing up
  • fix bugs in 3D mapping node UI (the controls were disappearing when the selected object was of type "CURVE", "SURFACE" or "FONT")
  • fix export of metaballs with shared data
  • fix shapes being added to cached meshes over and over in viewport render
  • fix check for UV maps on curve, surface and font objects being broken
  • fix shapes not working on hair
  • fix possible key collision in image exporter after undo (fixes #431)
  • fix color tint not working for sky and HDRIs

Known problems