Compiling LuxCore

From LuxCoreRender Wiki
Revision as of 09:54, 2 December 2017 by Byob (talk | contribs) (→‎Recompiling)
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First Run

# Static compilation scripts
git clone
cd LinuxCompile
# LuxCore sources
git clone

# Start build script, pass the path to the LuxCore sources as first argument
# This will take a very long time on the first run because it needs to compile all dependencies
./build-64-sse2 LuxCore

To test LuxCoreUI, you can now start it:

cd LuxCore
./bin/luxcoreui ./scenes/luxball/luxball-hdr.cfg


In case you edit any source files and want to recompile quickly, go to the LuxCore sources directory and run make:

cd LuxCore
make -j8

(-j<n> specifies number of threads for the compilation process)

The compiled binaries are in LuxCore/bin/, the compiled libraries (e.g. are in LuxCore/lib/